Sub Surface
Adam Funari and Travis Sasaki
September 7 - 28, 2019
Adam Funari and Travis Sasaki
September 7 - 28, 2019

Aupuni Space is pleased to present SUB SURFACE, an installation by Adam Funari and Travis Sasaki, with sound by Stardamage. Blending the formal aspects of printmaking, projection, sound and sculpture; SUB SURFACE presents the participant with abstracted concepts related to near-death experiences while surfing, notably the “hold-down,” aka a massive wipeout.
Concurrent to the exhibition, the artists present two nights of live music, organized by Adam Funari. All events are free and open to the public, all are welcome.
Friday September 13th at 9PM: FEEBLE with Castle Park and Two Brothers.
Friday September 27th at 9PM: Closing Party with PAGE and Gondola and SOON.